
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Albertsons--Last Day for Stock Up Prices

Just wanted to remind all of you that today is the last day that you should be able to buy Ground Turkey for $1.00 for 1.2 lbs. at Albertsons. This is a GREAT STOCK UP price...seriously, I have never seen it lower than this. The last time that Albertsons had ground turkey priced this low was back in April...It is normally almost $3.00 for 1.2 lbs.

If your family uses ground turkey, then I would definitely stock up on this and freeze it. If your family doesn't use ground turkey it would still be a great idea to purchase several packages of it and give it to a family in need! Meat and fresh produce are usually the most expensive items in any grocery budget...items that many people have to cut back on when budgets are what an awesome way to bless another family!

Also, I was at Albertsons today and asked if the Quaker sale would still be going on tomorrow, and the manager told me today would be the last day. Sometimes special promotions go on for 2 weeks, but it sounds like this one ends today. $1.00 is about the cheapest I've ever been able to find Cap'n Crunch Cereal and Quaker Chewy Granola Bars (my hubby loves both...seriously, would eat a whole box of the granola bars in a day if I don't hide them :).

If you are interested in stocking up on any of these items you'll need to make a trip out tonight...definitely something I'd take advantage of if you haven't already!

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